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Formational Care

The importance of guided spiritual healing

All that we embrace in this spiritual formation journey awakens us more to God, but it also awakens us more to ourselves... And when we are awakened to more of ourselves, it gives more room for God to come into ourselves, to take that which is twisted and un-twist it. To take that which is wounded and heal it. To take that which is distorted and make it clear. 

— Terry Wardle


It is said that your past is always present to you. 


We are all on a healing journey — myself included. This is how I know that the difficult task of looking back, done with a spiritual companion who is knowledgeable about the healing path, is vital for good, safe outcomes. 


If you are looking to explore how the dynamics of your past experiences are influencing your present reality, you are ready to reach for a healthier future, in every area of your life.


In Formational Care we will seek to position you for healing in the presence and power of Christ. Through spiritual practices that are informed by how the brain works and how trauma is stored in the body, you will learn how to break cycles of dysfunctional behavior and how to regulate your emotions better. 


We understand that there are so many different factors that have informed your story. These factors are still at play in your life and together we will explore which are getting in the way of your well-being. 


We are committed to your physical and emotional safety in an environment that is private, confidential and loving. You will be seen, heard and supported on your path towards wellness and healing in Christ. 


Reach out today to start your healing journey.

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